HR Development

Sustainability - HR Development

HR Development

As society matures, people’s values are diversifying and the forms of happiness they seek and the ways they work are changing. At Meiden Group, we see our Employees as human capital. To maximize its corporate performance, the Group needs to enhance each employee’s abilities (A) and motivation (M) and create opportunities(O), and environments where all employees can play an active role. This AMO framework is the basis of the Meiden Group’s thinking about human capital.


HR Development Policy

Transform the training system from company-led to proactivity of trainees, aiming to develop human resources with the autonomy to think and act on their own.

  • 1.People are the source of value creation, so we will make investment in human resources a higher priority and make human resources a pillar of management.
  • 2.Learning should be proactive based on the diversity of individuals, so we will become a group of professionals who use their individuality and talents as strengths.
HR Development Policy
Plan and Targets 

We implement many training programs to encourage employee growth in different aspects as an employee, member of society, and professional.

The Medium-Term Management Plan 2024 aims to strengthen human capital in conjunction with sustainability management, and will focus on further human resource development so that diverse human resources can accept each other's individuality and make the most of their abilities. As part of this, we are promoting growth through opportunities to work with diverse personnel, such as our system of bringing overseas local staff to Japan for study, coaching programs at overseas subsidiaries, the foreign trainee system, and the overseas assignment system.

We are also enhancing our innovation education so that employees have the creativity and drive to try new things without being trapped by conventional ideas and methods, and fostering an environment conducive to innovation. For example, we are making opportunities to challenge and play an active role as a member of the Business Development Division, which recruits employees from within the company to try creating and launching new businesses.

Public Relations Section

Training system


Training system

Training system

Level-Dependent Curriculum

This training facilitates understanding of the roles, abilities and skills required of each age group or qualification level. Smooth growth and implementation are expected from this training.

Selective Program

This training hones the way of thinking, skills, and practical abilities to solve management problems with the aim of enhancing management capabilities.

Optional Program

This training teaches the knowledge and skills necessary for employees to achieve their own career goals.

Technical Training

This training teaches product knowledge according to the technical level of the employee.

Self-Development and Acquisition of Qualifications

When the prescribed correspondence course is completed, we will cover 60% of course fees or the full amount if completed with high grades.

We provide incentives for acquiring prescribed public qualifications at the time of acquisition.

Public Relations Section

Development of Personnel that are able to Implement and Promote Our Business Strategy


Development of Personnel with Abilities to Implement and Promote Our Business Strategy

Enhancing Motivation

Meidensha strives to respect individual diversity and draw out each employee’s independence and motivation. To that end, we have launched “My Vision/My Challenge,” an initiative for employees to reflect on their own life vision, compare it to the company’s vision, and put into words what challenges they will take on in the company (“My Challenge”). In FY2022, members of upper management put their “My Vision/My Challenge” into words.
Also, the program is scheduled to be expanded to executive officers and managements, in FY2023.

Extensive Technical Education

Meidensha has long provided technical training to help employees acquire specialized skills and improve their practical abilities. However, in order to strengthen the technical skills of younger employees, we have been providing training since 2018 for both technical and administrative staff to learn about electricity, which is essential for understanding Meidensha's technologies and products. In FY2019, we added ICT training, and we have been providing training on ICT fundamentals and design thinking, which will be crucial to achieving digital transformation. The following are initiatives we stepped up in FY2022.

  1. (1)Introducing hands-on ICT training for new employees
  2. (2)Developing textbooks for basic electricity training, by working with factory departments
  3. (3)Providing negotiating skills training for young employees in the sales and engineering departments
Extensive Technical Education

Acquisition and Transmission of Techniques and Skills

The technical training center Manabi-ya, located at the Numazu Works, is intended for the early development of engineers and the passing on of technology and skills. It provides technical and skills training, led mainly by experienced employees, and programs for the systematic training of engineers and raising the level of their work. Maintenance engineers in particular study for one year at the technical training center to learn maintenance skills. The center also offers experience-based training using virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). We are making increasing use of these tools for safety and technical training. In FY2022, we enhanced our VR and AR training, for example by producing new training content on the structure of wind power generation equipment (nacelles).

Technical training center (Manabi-ya) (opened in October 2020)
Technical training center (Manabi-ya) (opened in October 2020)
Blackout procedure training using MR
Blackout procedure training using MR
Public Relations Section

Developing the Next Generation of Group Personnel

Developing the Next Generation of Group Personnel

Systematic Development of Management Personnel

We offer the Career Development Management Program, a new training program to systematically and strategically develop the next generation of personnel.

We aim to develop personnel that can think and act with a broad perspective and outlook that exceed the bounds of their own areas of specialty and roles by selecting and recruiting young and mid-level personnel to attend business school and engage in professional exchange with people outside of their own business divisions, factories, and business units, engage in personal exchange with overseas subsidiaries and Japanese subsidiaries, and engage in cultural exchange through placement outside of the Group and at government institutions, etc.

We have also newly added a young employee program to selective training in order to systematically develop the next generation of management personnel for the medium to long term.

In addition, by introducing the Innovation Professional Development Program for the next generation of management and having them experience different fields with various human resources development measures, we aim to enhance their creativity by helping trainees absorb a variety of knowledge and broaden their experience, as well as to foster an innovation mindset.

Systematic Development of Management Personnel

Systematic Development of Management Personnel

We also train the general managers of each business on the knowledge and skills they need in the current management environment. These include finance and accounting training, which is essential for accurate decision-making, and training in unconscious bias, psychological safety, and anger management as part of promoting DEI. We also send general managers to outside seminars to build up their organizational capabilities.

Local Staff Development

Since FY2018, the Meiden Group has been conducting a Japanese exchange program for local staff (employees of overseas subsidiaries) in order to develop personnel who are candidates for leadership positions at overseas subsidiaries. The program includes interaction with Meidensha management, observations at Japanese sites and factories to which products are delivered, and on-the-job training at various workplaces for the purpose of increasing preparedness to take on leadership roles and the knowledge necessary for top management positions in the Meiden Group. We also offer coaching programs with the aim of organizational development, focusing on executive candidates from overseas subsidiaries. This Group-wide interaction of personnel and creating personal connections will bring the Meiden Group together.

ThinkPark Tower
ThinkPark Forest
ThinkPark Forest
Public Relations Section

Strengthening Internal Connections and Fostering an Atmosphere of Professional Development

Strengthening Career Formation and Networking

Raising Awareness of Career Formation

We conduct a rotation system to systematically develop young employees. Based on a rotation model, individuals share their career plans with their workplaces and the HR Department, and we implement rotation through regular interviews, etc. Having young employees experience a variety of jobs supports early development of their ability and raises their awareness of career formation.

Also, as people’s values grow more diverse, employees are becoming less passive about their careers and more self-reliant. For that reason, Meiden Group established a new specialized Career Consultation Service in FY2022. Employees of all ages are free to use the service, and we are stepping up support so that every employee can further demonstrate their abilities and play an active role in the company.

Revitalizing the MFC Mentor System

In FY2016, we introduced the MFC mentor system for the purpose of strengthening internal connections between young employees and building an atmosphere of professional development. The MFC stands for “Meiden Family Chain” with the idea that staff would form a supportive familial bond where they would support each other like links in a chain. We refer mentors as “seniors” and mentees as “juniors.” We also have groups consisting of multiple pairs, which we call them “families,” that create bonds that go beyond divisions and business units. We provide further impetus to activities by holding social events for families, and by establishing a Promotion Committee for young employees to plan and implement company-wide activities.

Composition of MFC Families

Composition of MFC Families
Results Data


Number of Participants in Each Type of Training
(Total participants)
Training Type FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Hierarchical program 2,181 2,463 2,569 2,672
Selective program 123 130 135 136
Optional program 314 147 409 2,357
Technical training 934 1,090 1,603 1,231
Education conducted by departments 8,049 7,111 10,096 25,125
Total 11,601 10,941 14,812 31,545


Data Concerning Professional Development
Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total expenses of education and training*1 104,590,000 yen 114,500,000 yen 133,428,000 yen 151,648,000 yen
Total hours of education and training*2 48,385 hours 51,583 hours 56,050 hours 78,686 hours


  1. *1Company-wide total, including expenses for training conducted by each department. Excludes personnel expenses for trainers and management and administrative expenses for training facilities, etc.
  2. *2Training days x designated work hours x number of participants (training conducted by the HR Department. Excludes OJT and remote training).
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