Sustainability - Editorial Policy
The Meiden Group informs its stakeholders of its attitude and initiatives relating to social responsibility through the two media, which are Meidensha Report (print edition and web edition) and the Meiden Group’s Sustainability (web edition).
The content of these media is determined after reporting to and consultation with the Board of Directors. With regard to the content of the reports, we work to collect, analyze, and distribute information that meets our stakeholders’ expectations and is of interest to our stakeholders through daily public relations and IR activities, interviews with each department.
Furthermore, the Meiden Group is conducting internal communication activities as part of the process of drafting reports in order to understand changes in the external environment and share future issues and trends. In addition, we work to strategically promote future ESG management by exchanging opinions based on the reports that have been created, and having each department reflect on its own activities, taking into account outside perspectives.
A comprehensive collection of financial information concerning the Meiden Group and nonfinancial information such as initiatives that contribute to improving corporate value and management strategies.
A summarized introduction focusing on specific initiatives to tackle sustainability issues that we consider important.
This report mainly covers initiatives taken in fiscal 2023(April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024)
It also includes some information from prior to fiscal 2023 and until September 2024.
The report mainly covers initiatives of Meidensha Corporation and its affiliated companies. Human resources data applies to affiliated companies in Japan, while environmental reporting data applies to Meidensha and its 39 major affiliated companies (20 in Japan and 19 overseas).
(Number of companies as of March 31, 2024)
Meidensha Corporation
Public & Investor Relations Section, Corporate Communication Promotion Division
ThinkPark Tower, 2-1-1, Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
141-6029 Japan
TEL: 81-3-6420-8100
In addition to past and current facts about the Meiden Group, this report contains forecasts for the future based on plans, outlooks and business policies and strategies in effect at the time of publication. These forecasts are our assumptions and judgments as based on information available at the time they were stated, and may differ from actual business activity results and events in future owing to changes in conditions.