
Supply Chain Management

Sustainability - Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management


The Meiden Group promotes sustainable procurement in conjunction with business partners, in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Whilst the Corporate Code of Conduct is based on our Corporate Philosophy, we ask all of our business partners (suppliers) to conduct activities in accordance with our Basic Procurement Policy for CSR items that cover all of our business endeavors.

The Meiden Group Basic Procurement Policy

All of our procurement activities are based on the Meiden Group Corporate Code of Conduct.

Actively Promoting Responsible Corporate Conduct
  1. (1)Embody our procurement principles along with our suppliers, and build a sustainable supply chain
  2. (2)Promote environmentally considerate procurement activities, and contribute to global environmental conservation along with our suppliers
  3. (3)Eliminate use of conflict minerals, which are a source of funds for armed groups that repeatedly engage in inhumane acts such as slavery, forced labor, child labor, and abuse.
Plan and Targets

The Meiden Group promotes enhanced supply chain management based on the basic policy of “Medium-term Management Plan 2024.”

We are working to conduct fair and impartial transactions, and to improve sustainability further while strengthening partnerships to help business partners understand the importance of promoting sustainability in the supply chain. Furthermore, we hope to promote legal compliance, environmental conservation, and community contribution activities, etc., with our business partners, with the aim of achieving mutual sustainable development.

We are continuing activities to support the acquisition of environmental management systems (EMS) certification by our business partners and enhancing sustainability promotion by building partnerships such as through follow-up education after EMS certification has been acquired, information security measures, and support for health and safety measures.

Public Relations Section

Promotion of CSR that Involve the Entire Supply Chain


Promotion of Sustainability that Involves the Entire Supply Chain

Sharing and Explaining Our Procurement Principles to Suppliers

To ensure understanding of the Meiden Group’s approach to supply chain management in the context of material procurement, we give a copy of the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines to all suppliers and ask them to inform their employees and ensure compliance thereof.

When signing new contracts with suppliers, we ask them to comply with the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines. These cover human rights, labor, health and safety, the environment, fair trade and ethics (including prohibition of corruption and bribery), and other matters. We also directly ask them to comply with both the Meiden Group Basic Procurement Policy and the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines at the production plan explanatory meetings held each year at each of our production sites.

As of now, we have given copies of the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines to approximately 1,600 of our domestic suppliers.

The Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines were drafted with reference to the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA)’s Responsible Business Conduct Guidelines (March 2020 edition), and are now available in three languages (Japanese, English, and Chinese).

Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

Response to the Conflict Minerals Issue

We have established a conflict minerals response policy, and the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines clearly express our intention to address the conflict minerals issue.

Policy on Conflict Minerals Issue

In order to fulfill its corporate social responsibility through procurement activities, the Meiden Group promotes initiatives to prevent the use of conflict minerals (tantalum, tin, gold, and tungsten) mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding nations, which are used to fund armed group activities that repeatedly engage in human trafficking, forced labor, child labor, abuse, etc., or inhumane acts, etc.

We conduct surveys of high-risk minerals as a due diligence measure, using the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).

In FY2023, we conducted a survey of materials that we had purchased from 420 major suppliers in the previous year and received acceptable responses from 390 companies (93%). If the surveys reveal that minerals have been used to support conflicts, we ask our business partners to take corrective action to avoid using the relevant minerals, such as by changing suppliers. Furthermore, if customers identify risky refineries, we ask business partners that use these refineries to re-examine the status of their business dealings. In addition, starting in FY2023, we are conducting a cobalt survey using the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT).

At present, we have not confirmed any relationships between our business partners and armed groups, and we are conducting measures aimed at identifying refinery operators and ensuring supply chain transparency.

Request to business partners

The Meiden Group considers ensuring a transparent supply chain and conducting responsible procurement of materials and parts to be important matters. We request that all of our business partners accept our Policy on Conflict Minerals Issue and cooperate with our initiatives to source conflict-free minerals.

Promotion of Green Procurement

Based on our corporate philosophy of “contribute to people, society, and the global environment to make a world a better place to live,” we are proceeding with environmental activities in accordance with the Meiden Group’s Environmental Action Policies. In material procurement, throughout the entire life-cycle to disposal, we try to make environmentally conscious products and reduce disposal, and engage activities in protecting the global environment by energy-saving, resource-saving, and minimizing the use of toxic chemicals, etc.

We view procurement of materials as part of our supply chain sustainability activities. We drafted the Green Procurement Guidelines to clarify our policies and request even greater understanding and cooperation from our business partners.

We provide the Green Procurement Guidelines to domestic business partners and we request all new business partners to disseminate and apply at the time of the first transaction.

Furthermore, by issuing sustainability surveys (environmental activities surveys), we are able to understand our business partners’ CSR promotion activities and environmental activities, conduct risk assessment, and receive assistance with our sustainable procurement activities, including green procurement.

In FY2022, we revised our Green Procurement Guidelines in light of the needs of the times. We engage with a broad range of environmental issues that businesses need to consider, such as reducing GHG emissions, using water effectively, and caring for biodiversity. We work with business partners to promote climate change countermeasures.

We ask our business partners to understand the importance of global environmental conservation activities and to cooperate in our activities. Please refer to the Green Procurement Guidelines (revised July 2022) for details.

Public Relations Section

Risk Evaluation

Risk Evaluation

Evaluation of Suppliers

We convey the importance of sustainability and our philosophy to our business partners, including legal compliance, environmental protection, and community contribution, as listed in the Corporate Code of Conduct. In addition to evaluating business partners for quality, delivery, price, capacity for technological development, and environmental certifications, we look at whether they are fulfilling their social responsibility in terms of risks to the environment and social issues like human rights and labor, fair trade principles, social contribution, environmental conservation, and management of chemical substances.

Through this evaluation, we work to gain an understanding of business conditions relating to social issues such as climate change, biodiversity, environmental management, human rights, and working environments, and then to identify suppliers which have a high-risk. Also, when we start working with new suppliers, we conduct environmental audits on suppliers where there are high environmental risks. This way, we can assess and correct any risks.

We conduct appropriate, fair, and impartial procedures for all business partners through surveys relating to sustainability promotion and environmental conservation activities at the time of the first transaction.(FY2023 survey record: 1,653 companies)

Furthermore, we evaluate suppliers through “our business partners’ evaluation system” and issue a score card each year based on the results. (453 companies evaluated in FY2023)

Survey relating to sustainability activities and environmental conservation activities
Survey relating to sustainability activities and environmental conservation activities
Materials procurement score card (example)
Materials procurement score card (example)
Public Relations Section

Activities to Reduce Environmental Impact in the Supply Chain


Building a Sustainable Supply Chain

Environmental Management Initiatives

When promoting environmentally conscious design, which forms part of our environmental management activities, we operate an environmental BOM* management system that is compliant with the regulations governing chemical substances in products.

In the Green Procurement Guidelines, the Meiden Group has stipulated two risk levels (prohibition and reduction) for hazardous substances regulated by laws and regulations relating to chemical substances such as the RoHS directive and REACH regulations. Based on this, we conduct surveys of chemical substances contained in procured materials and expand environmentally conscious products by promoting the elimination of hazardous substances.

  • *BOM: Bill of Materials

Reducing Environmental Impact by Building Environmental Management Systems for Business Partners

We provide assistance not only for the Meiden Group but also for business partners, to build environmental management systems (EMS) and promote the reduction of environmental impact. We ask our partners to participate in these activities too, and promote the reduction of environmental impact throughout the entire supply chain.

We ask our business partners to create environmental management systems. In particular, we strongly recommend acquiring external EMS certification such as ISO14001 and EcoAction 21.

Environmental Audits

We conduct environmental audits on suppliers. While checking circumstances on the ground, we confirm and provide guidance on compliance with laws and regulations regarding chemical substances, waste, and the like. Suppliers who did not pass the audit were asked to take corrective measures and given a follow-up audit (8 companies).

If suppliers do not yet have an environmental management system (EMS), we have them take part in an EcoAction 21 study session (Green Program).

Promoting and Supporting EcoAction 21 Certification and Registration for SMEs

The Meiden Group is providing support for the environmental management system, EcoAction 21 certification, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, and registration activities of our business partners, and aim to spread environmental management systems and environmental improvements throughout the entire value chain. We promote green procurement, giving priority to the purchase of products and parts from environmentally conscious suppliers. We also promote efforts to reduce GHG emissions and pursue carbon neutrality. As of FY2023, the ninth year of the program, a total of 137 suppliers (3 more than FY2022) have earned EcoAction 21 certification.

We also hold study sessions during the production plan explanatory meetings held each year to promote understanding of the Meiden Group’s environmental policy and carbon neutrality initiatives, and ask our suppliers to make their own efforts as well. Additionally, since FY2023, we have been working with the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan to visualize our suppliers’ CO2 emissions.

We will continue providing support for our business partners in relation to EcoAction 21 certification and registration activities, and aim to promote environmental management systems, environmental improvements, and CO2 emissions reductions throughout the entire value chain.

Presentation of case studies of supplier improvements EcoAction 21 Conference in Shizuoka
Presentation of case studies of supplier improvements
EcoAction 21 Conference in Shizuoka
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (Numazu area) Carbon neutrality implementation seminar
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (Numazu area)
Carbon neutrality implementation seminar
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (Ota area) Individual support for carbon neutrality
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan (Ota area)
Individual support for carbon neutrality

Sharing Excellent Examples with Suppliers

We report good examples of EcoAction 21 initiatives to suppliers at regional production plan briefings.

At the case study presentations, we explain the efforts of the example companies to visualize their issues and establish systems to address issues with small groups through EcoAction 21 activities, and the outcomes of their efforts, namely reducing energy and chemical usage. These presentations are motivating for the example companies because they are opportunities for participating companies to learn about their successful efforts.

Public Relations Section

Communication with Business Partners

Communication with Business Partners

The Meiden Group is conducting the following activities to build relationships with business partners.

We are directly confirming the challenges and requirements of our partners and pursuing support activities.

1. Gathering Real Feedback

Business Partners are regularly visited by officers of Meidensha, the head of the Procurement Group, and production engineering staff, who gather information such as issues and requirements, which leads to improved functionality, quality, and productivity.

2. Seeking Procured Items on the Website

The Meidensha website has introduced “instructions for initial transactions” and “transaction application form” on material procurement, and we collect information on a broad range of business partners.

3. Using the Supplier Portal (web)

We regularly post information about subsidies (grants, etc.) for SMEs on our supplier portal (web), and supply information so that opportunities to update equipment, etc., are not missed.
We also contribute to the business efficiency of our business partners by creating efficiency in operations from submission of quotations to ordering, ATP, and delivery, using paperless electronic information, conducting conflict minerals surveys using a questionnaire, and confirmation of BCP implementation and damage caused by earthquakes and typhoons, etc.

4. Establishment of the Public Whistleblower Hotline

Meidensha has established the Public Whistleblower Hotline: contact person is an outside lawyer (Law Office Hironaka), for the officers and employees of our business partners, in order to promote appropriate dealings. We request our business partners to report or consult with this contact point when they discover any violation of laws and regulations, inappropriate behavior, or potential violation of laws and regulations by our employees in relation to business transactions.

Details on the management of information, protection of reporter confidentiality, response to reports, etc., can be found on the Procurement Group webpage. (Only in Japanese).


Increasing Business Partners Engagement

We aim to build sustainable relationships with our business partners, and work to increase engagement with business partners with the basic philosophy of collaboration and co-creation. We believe that it is important to appropriately understand and respond to demands and expectations of the Meiden Group.

Hosting of Meidensha Partners Meeting

We host Meidensha Partners Meetings to enhance two-way communication with business partners and strengthen relationships. The President gives messages to business partners concerning future Meidensha policies, and awards to praise the assistance and contribution towards business activities and production activities. He appreciates them face-to-face, and rewards exceptional activities and results. Additionally, the President visited the award-winning business partners to express his gratitude to all their employees.

President’s message at the Partners Meeting
President’s message at the Partners Meeting
Commendation of superior and excellent examples at Partners Meeting
Commendation of superior and excellent examples at Partners Meeting
Visit to business partner (last fiscal year)
Visit to business partner (last fiscal year)

Holding Production Plan Explanatory Meetings for Suppliers

Each year, we invite our major business partners to each production site in order to directly share information, inform, exchange opinions, and communicate with our business partners.

  • Explanation of the Meiden Group’s procurement policy (purchase record and plan)
  • The record and plan of the business status of Meidensha and each business unit
  • Providing information about our various support activities to help suppliers adhere to the Meiden Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines
    (Compliance, human rights and labor, health and safety, environment, quality and safety, information security, business continuity planning, etc.)
  • Announcement of examples of notable improvement and sharing information to increase technical ability from business partners
  • Explanation of the Meiden Group’s environmental policy and green procurement policy, and request for cooperation from business partners
Production plan briefing (Numazu area)
Production plan briefing (Numazu area)
Dialogue with suppliers
Dialogue with suppliers
At a social gathering
At a social gathering

Holding Various Seminars, etc.

We hold seminars on process improvement and information security measures at our suppliers' manufacturing sites as needed to improve their capabilities. We hold product exchange meetings with workplaces, where we communicate and exchange opinions with workers. In collaboration with the Corporate DX Promotion Group, we conducted on-site checks of whether appropriate information security measures were being taken to prevent information leaks and provided advice. Also, in terms of health and safety, we have commenced workplace checks of our business partners using the Health and Safety Support Project. In order to raise the awareness and efforts of our business partners regarding social responsibility, we actively provide training and support for environmental, health and safety, information security, and BCP measures, as well as sharing best practices.

Product exchange meeting
Product exchange meeting
Information security instruction
Information security instruction
Project to Support Safety & Health
Project to Support Safety & Health
Record of Seminars Held (FY2023)
Theme Number of seminars held Number of participating companies Number of participants
Production plan explanatory meetings (Ota, Numazu, Nagoya) 6 seminars 298 companies 450 participants
EcoAction 21 implementation seminar 2 seminars 8 companies 16 participants
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan seminar on carbon neutrality 2 seminars 83 companies 100 participants
Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan visits to individual companies to provide support for carbon neutrality 36 visits, 3 visits per company 12 companies 70 participants
BCP (Business Continuity Planning (Jigyokei)) seminar 1 seminar 71 companies 83 participants
Security Action 2-Star Declaration support seminar 1 seminar 54 companies 60 participants
Hands-on safety experience truck education 10 seminars 18 companies 68 participants
Safety support diagnostics and education 26 seminars 11 companies Approx. 70 participants


Record of Monitoring Suppliers (FY2023)
Theme Content Times conducted (number of companies) Outline
Environment Environmental audits 10 companies Participation in FY2023 EcoAction 21 (EMS) by 7 companies that required correction
Health and safety Checking suppliers’ sites using the health and safety support business 7 companies Numazu area: 3 companies
Ota area: 1 company
Nagoya & Kofu areas: 3 companies
Information security Submission of self-diagnoses using the information security self-diagnosis card 2,154 companies Work-site checkup based on checkup results: 6 companies
BCP implementation Investigation of impacts of natural disasters, major accidents, and misconduct, etc. 1 time (the number of companies investigate depends on the scope of the investigation) Earthquake, concentrated heavy rain


Public Relations Section

Enhancing Group Procurement Systems (education of procurement managers)

Enhancing Group Procurement Systems (education of procurement managers)

Thoroughness of Absolute Compliance and Prohibited Matters of the Procurement Group

In order for the member of Procurement Group to behave in a proper manner, we have devised “absolute compliance matters” and “absolute prohibitions” as a code of conduct for the Procurement Group so that all employees reflect on their own actions and do not commit any inappropriate conduct.

We read the following items at every morning meeting and ensure that all employees know them as a daily education; legal compliance, prevention of corruption, respect for human rights, labor practices, consideration for the environment, quality, safety, and information security, etc.

Enhancing Group Procurement Systems

The whole Meiden Group is working to enhance procurement systems. Monthly meetings are held with the procurement divisions of major group companies to promote initiatives for improving the procurement base and to share information.

Initiatives to Improve Our Procurement Base

  • Be thorough with legal compliance
  • Be thorough with sustainable procurement
  • Enhance risk management (BCP and internal control)
  • Enhance professional development
Education and Professional Development for Procurement Managers (as of FY2023)
Certified Procurement Professional qualification system Attainment: 61%
Eco Test Attainment: 87%
Education for new staff and reassigned personnel, etc. (FY2023) 100% attendance

Participation in Initiatives

UN Global Compact Network Japan

Supply Chain Subcommittee

The Procurement Group has participated in the Supply Chain Subcommittee since FY2024. In collaboration with other participating companies, we are working to improve sustainable procurement in our supply chain.

Declaration of Partnership Building

A Declaration of Partnership Building is a declaration by company representatives to seek coexistence and co-prosperity throughout supply chains, build new partnerships, and adhere to desirable business practices, all with the aim of creating sustainable relationships in which large and small companies can grow together.
In our declaration, we expressly identified the following individual items:

  • Promote support activities such as manufacturing reform activities for individual companies, including process improvement with support from industry promotion foundations
  • Promote operational efficiency through information sharing and visualization of entire supply chains

We have also reached agreements with all suppliers (237 companies) on the handling (e.g. return, disposal, paid storage) and will continue to work on "Optimization of mold management" in the future, so that the cost of managing molds required for manufacturing parts is not improperly borne by suppliers.

Declaration of Partnership Building
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