Sustainability - SASB Content Index
Content of Disclosure | |||||
Disclosure Topics | Accounting Metrics | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | (FY2023 response status and place of reporting) |
Energy Management | (1) Total energy consumption | Quantative | Gigajoules (GJ) | RT-EE-130a.1 | 922,433 *Breakdown: Japan -737,7825GJ / overseas - 184,651GJ |
(2) Percentage grid electricity (out of (1)) | Percentage (%) | 72.2 *Breakdown: Japan - 70.0% / overseas - 80.8% |
(3) Percentage renewable | Percentage (%) | 16.9 *Breakdown: Japan - 20.9% / overseas - 0.7% |
Hazardous Waste Management | Amount of hazardous waste generated | Quantative | Metric tons (t) | RT-EE-150a.1 | 87.8 *Breakdown: Trace amount processing volume - 79.0t / high concentration processing volume - 8.8t |
Percentage of hazardous waste recyclued | Percentage (%) | ー | |||
(Optional) Percentage of incinerated hazardous waste for the purpose of energy recovery (%) | Percentage (%) | ー | |||
Supplemental information | ー |
Total number of reportable spills | Quantative | Number | RT-EE-150a.2 | 0 | |
Aggregate quantity of reportable spills | Kilograms (kg) | ー | |||
(Ref) Total number of spills according to internal standards | Number | 4 | |||
(Ref) Aggregate quantity of spills according to internal standards | Kilograms (kg) | ー | |||
Supplemental information | ー |
Product Safety | Number of recalls | Quantative | Number | RT-EE-250a.1 | ー |
Total units recalled | ー | ||||
(Optional) (1) Percentage of voluntary recalls | ー | ||||
(Optional) (2) Percentage of involuntary recalls | ー | ||||
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with product safety | Quantative | Yen | RT-EE-250a.2 | 0 | |
Product Lifecycle Management | Percentage of products by revenue that contain IEC 62474 declarable substances | Quantative | Percentage by revenue (%) | RT-EE-410a.1 | ー |
Percentage of eligible products, by revenue, that meet ENERGY STAR® criteria | Quantative | Percentage by revenue (%) | RT-EE-410a.2 | ー | |
(If applicable) If the products certified to a previous version of an ENERGY STAR® standard, disclose information including the version of the standard to which its products are certified, a breakdown of how many products are certified to that version of the standard, and its timelines to achieve certification to the most current version of the standard. | ー | ||||
Revenue from renewable energy-related and energy efficiency-related products | Quantative | Yen | RT-EE-410a.3 | ー | |
Materials Sourcing | Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials | Discussion and analysis | n/a | RT-EE-440a.1 | |
Business Ethics | Description of policies and practices for prevention of: (1) corruption and bribery and (2) anti-competitive behavior |
Discussion and analysis | n/a | RT-EE-510a.1 | |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with bribery or corruption | Quantative | Yen | RT-EE-510a.2 | 0
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behavior regulations | Quantative | Yen | RT-EE-510a.3 | 0
Content of Disclosure | ||||
Accounting Metrics | Category | Unit of Measure | Code | (FY2023 response status and place of reporting) |
Production units for each product category | Quantative | Number | RT-EE-000.A | ー |
Number of consolidated employees*2 | Quantative | Number | RT-EE-000.B | 9,810