Sustainability - Promotion of Strategic Environmental Management
The Meiden Group ensures that each employee contributes to the protection of the global environment and the creation of a prosperous society through their day-to-day work according to the President’s Environmental Policy, and promotes sustainability management to achieve sustainable growth of society and improved corporate value.
The Meiden Group aims to engage in sustainability management and achieve corporate growth based on the corporate philosophies of “Illuminating a more affluent tomorrow” and “For customer peace of mind and satisfaction” by tackling the issues of adapting to and mitigating climate change, recycling resources, and preserving biodiversity, in order to realize a sustainable society.
Revised April 1, 2024
The Meiden Group is working to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities in four areas: Power Infrastructures, Public, Industrial & Commercial Sector Business, Mobility & Electrical Components Business, and Field Service Engineering.
Specifically, we provide value in the form of “realizing green, safe, and stable electricity provision” in the field of Power Infrastructures; “contributing to building sustainable infrastructure” in the area of Public, Industrial & Commercial Sector Business; “contributing to the realization of cutting-edge technology and technological innovation for mobility” in the area of Mobility & Electrical Components Business; and “realizing a secure and safe society through maintenance services” in the area of Field Service Engineering Business.
The Environmental Vision identifies realization of “a carbon-free society,” “a circulating society,” and “a society in harmony with nature” as the missions of a 21st-century company, and lists them as goals. We are working to conduct sustainability management with “human resources and communication”at its core.
The Meiden Group aims for Carbon Neutrality by 2050. As an interim step, we upwardly revised our FY2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. As the Second Meiden Environmental Vision, we aim for a 30% reduction of emissions from business activities (scope 1+2), and a 15% reduction of emissions from product use (scope 3, category 11) by FY2030 compared to FY2019 levels. These targets received SBT certification as they were recognized by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative*1 as being consistent with the Paris Agreement*2.
Currently, we are considering setting even higher targets.
In particular, with regard to reducing GHG emissions at the product use stage (Scope 3 Category 11), we will increase the ratio of low-carbon businesses with low emissions per unit of sales, including EV-related products and maintenance services, for which demand is expected to grow. By making our business portfolio low-carbon through these measures, we pursue both increased sales and reduced emissions.
We have developed an action plan for each Medium-term Management Plan and we are continuously working to conduct reforms in order to realize the environmental vision.
Targets and level of achievement for FY2023, which is the second year of Medium-term Management Plan 2024, are as follows.
Please refer to the corresponding page for details of each item.
At the Meiden Group, we formulated Medium-term Management Plan 2024 to cover the four years from fiscal 2021 and we are working to implement sustainability management.
In particular, we have developed greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for the next four years by back-casting based on the fiscal 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the Second Meiden Environmental Vision.
The environmental targets for FY2024 are as follows. For the target of zero waste emissions, we are changing the standard to a final disposal rate of 1.0% or less.