
Promotion of Strategic Environmental Management

Sustainability - Promotion of Strategic Environmental Management

Promotion of Strategic Environmental Management


The Meiden Group ensures that each employee contributes to the protection of the global environment and the creation of a prosperous society through their day-to-day work according to the President’s Environmental Policy, and promotes sustainability management to achieve sustainable growth of society and improved corporate value.

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Basic Environmental Philosophy

Basic Policy

The Meiden Group aims to engage in sustainability management and achieve corporate growth based on the corporate philosophies of “Illuminating a more affluent tomorrow” and “For customer peace of mind and satisfaction” by tackling the issues of adapting to and mitigating climate change, recycling resources, and preserving biodiversity, in order to realize a sustainable society.

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Environmental Policies

Action Guidelines

  • 1.We promote the development of new products and innovative technologies that contribute to the global environment and strive to develop, design, and manufacture environmentally conscious products by conducting environmental impact evaluation for the entire lifecycle of our products, from initial material procurement to final disposal.
  • 2.We strive:
    To reduce the environmental impacts from our business activities at home and abroad
    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the aim of becoming carbon neutral
    To implement renewable energy and promote energy conservation
    To reduce and properly manage hazardous substances
    To promote the resource recycling of waste
    To conserve water resources
  • 3.We strive to comply with the related environmental laws, regulations, rules and other required matters and establish our internal guidelines. We strive to prevent the pollutions from our operations at home and abroad and make efforts to protect the environment.
  • 4.While promoting sustainability management, we strive to maintain and improve it through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle and we aim to improve our environmental performance.
  • 5.We strive to improve all our employees’ understanding of sustainability management and invigorate and promote active participation in environmental contribution activities through environmental education.

Revised April 1, 2024

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Environmental Vision

The Meiden Group is working to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities in four areas: Power Infrastructures, Public, Industrial & Commercial Sector Business, Mobility & Electrical Components Business, and Field Service Engineering.

Specifically, we provide value in the form of “realizing green, safe, and stable electricity provision” in the field of Power Infrastructures; “contributing to building sustainable infrastructure” in the area of Public, Industrial & Commercial Sector Business; “contributing to the realization of cutting-edge technology and technological innovation for mobility” in the area of Mobility & Electrical Components Business; and “realizing a secure and safe society through maintenance services” in the area of Field Service Engineering Business.

The Environmental Vision identifies realization of “a carbon-free society,” “a circulating society,” and “a society in harmony with nature” as the missions of a 21st-century company, and lists them as goals. We are working to conduct sustainability management with “human resources and communication”at its core.

Outline of the Environmental Vision
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Activities to Realize Our Environmental Vision

A. Working Toward the Realization of a Carbon-free Society

<Reducing greenhouse gas emissions>

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business activities
  • Contribute to customers’ efforts to become carbon-free through our products and services

B. Working Toward the Realization of a Recycling Society

<Promoting the 3Rs>

  • Promote re-use of resources and water in business activities
  • Contribute to construction of sustainable infrastructure through business

C. Working Toward the Realization of a Society in Harmony with Nature

<Conservation of natural resources>

  • Use land in an environmentally considerate manner, minimize impact on ecosystems, and preserve biodiversity
  • Prevent contamination by harmful chemicals and ensure water safety

D. HR and Communication

<Professional development and communication>

  • Improve environmental literacy to promote research, development, and manufacturing
  • Promote two-way communication and collaboration with stakeholders

The Meiden Group’s Medium to Long-term Environmental Targets

FY2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets (Second Meiden Environmental Vision)

The Meiden Group aims for Carbon Neutrality by 2050. As an interim step, we upwardly revised our FY2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. As the Second Meiden Environmental Vision, we aim for a 30% reduction of emissions from business activities (scope 1+2), and a 15% reduction of emissions from product use (scope 3, category 11) by FY2030 compared to FY2019 levels. These targets received SBT certification as they were recognized by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative*1 as being consistent with the Paris Agreement*2.

greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets
First Meiden Environmental Vision
(Released in May 2018)
Second Meiden Environmental Vision
(From April 2021)
Emissions from business activities
(scope 1+2)
30% reduction
(compared to FY2017)
30% reduction
(compared to FY2019)
Emissions from product use
(scope 3, category 11)
NA 15% reduction
(compared to FY2019)
FY2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets (Second Meiden Environmental Vision)
  1. *1SBT Initiative: An international initiative by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), the CDP, and the World Resources Institute (WRI).
  2. *2Paris Agreement: An international framework “to limit average global temperature rise to well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels and to strive to limit it to 1.5°C,” which was adopted at COP21 in 2015.

Currently, we are considering setting even higher targets.

Major Initiatives to Achieve Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets

◆Main Measures to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions

FY2030greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets Reduction measures (extract)
Emissions from business activities
(scope 1+2)
30% reduction
(compared to FY2019)
  • Replacing SF6 gas (replacing with dry air, etc.)
  • Capital investment (replacing aging equipment, introducing high-efficiency equipment, replacing gas with electricity, etc.)
  • Procurement of renewable energy power (non-fossil fuel certificate, power menus, etc.)
  • Switching company-owned cars to electric vehicles
Emissions from product use
(scope 3, category 11)
15% reduction
(compared to FY2019)
  • Eco-friendly product design (eliminating use of SF6 gas, and downsizing products and making them more efficient)
  • Revising business portfolio (increasing ratio of low carbon emissions per unit of sales such as EV, maintenance services, and small- and medium-sized hydropower generation, etc.)
  • Generating innovation
  • Introducing internal carbon pricing

In particular, with regard to reducing GHG emissions at the product use stage (Scope 3 Category 11), we will increase the ratio of low-carbon businesses with low emissions per unit of sales, including EV-related products and maintenance services, for which demand is expected to grow. By making our business portfolio low-carbon through these measures, we pursue both increased sales and reduced emissions.

◆Transition plan for becoming carbon neutral

Transition plan for becoming carbon neutral

◆Scope 1 and 2 reduction measures and results

Scope 1 and 2 reduction measures and results

◆Scope 3, category 11 reduction measures and results

Scope 3, category 11 reduction measures and results
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Promotion of Ongoing Activities

We have developed an action plan for each Medium-term Management Plan and we are continuously working to conduct reforms in order to realize the environmental vision.

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Deployment of Action Plans

Deployment to the Action Plans

Deployment to the Action Plans

Medium-term Management Pl an, an Action Plan for FY2021-FY2024

Strategic Target Actions Corresponding Environmental Vision
1. Contribute to environment through products and services 1) Expand businesses that contribute to the environment
A. A Carbon-free Society
2) Promote environmentally conscious design
A. A Carbon-free Society
B. A Circulating Society
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
3) Manage chemicals in products
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
4) Promote the 3Rs of product components
B. A Circulating Society
2. Reduce the environment impact of business operation 1) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
A. A Carbon-free Society
2) Manage chemicals properly
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
3) Promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)
B. A Circulating Society
4) Maintain water resources
B. A Circulating Society
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
5) Conserving biodiversity
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
3. Promote environmental communication 1) Disclose information, conduct PR
A. A Carbon-free Society
B. A Circulating Society
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
D. Human Resources and Communication
2) Contribute to sustainable society
A. A Carbon-free Society
B. A Circulating Society
C. A Society in Harmony with Nature
D. Human Resources and Communication
4. Promote environmental management 1) Strengthen management of Meiden Group companies
D. Human Resources and Communication
2) Strengthen value chain management
D. Human Resources and Communication
5. Reform environmental awareness 1) Develop environmental management personnel
D. Human Resources and Communication
2) Strengthen environmental training and awareness-raising activities
D. Human Resources and Communication


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Results Data

FY2023 Environmental Targets and Results

Targets and level of achievement for FY2023, which is the second year of Medium-term Management Plan 2024, are as follows.

Please refer to the corresponding page for details of each item.

Achievement of FY2023 Environmental Targets

Rating: ☆☆☆ = target achieved, ☆☆ = improvement over previous year, ☆ = work in progress

Strategic Targets Actions FY2023 Environmental Targets (Japan) FY2023 Results Rating
Contribute to environment through products and services Promote environmentally conscious design GHG reduction contribution by ECBs: 9,000,000 tons 9,370,000 tons ☆☆☆
Promote scope 3, category 11 reductions (transition to low-carbon business) Revised product environmental assessments, extended LCAs of existing products ☆☆☆
Reduce the environmental impact of business operations Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Japan: Total emissions (Scope 1+2): -8% (compared to FY2019) 17%(compared to FY2019) ☆☆☆
Overseas*1: Total emissions (scope 1+2): -3% (compared to FY2019) +8% (compared to FY2019)
Manage chemicals properly VOC emissions: 75 tons or less 66 tons ☆☆☆
Promote the 3Rs Total waste: -6% (compared to FY2017) All sites in Japan (excludes Construction Service Business Units) +10% (compared to FY2017)
Zero waste emissions*2 at 10 sites*3: Maintain recycling rate at about 90%
: 1% or less final waste emissions
Recycling rate: 91.5%
Final disposal rate: 1.9%
Conserve water resources Promotion of efficient water use:
: 4 main manufacturing sites*4
Considered redevelopment of wastewater facilities
Conserve biodiversity Conservation of ecosystems in green spaces: 4 main manufacturing sites*4 Removed introduced species, conducted red pine conservation activities, tree-planting activities, and river and beach cleanup ☆☆☆
Promote environmental management Strengthen value chain management Green procurement rate (own standards): 90% or greater 91% ☆☆☆


  1. *1Main overseas production sites
  2. *2The Meiden Group’s definition of zero waste emissions: Recycle at least 99% of total output (excluding construction sludge) of waste, etc. (industrial waste, ordinary waste, and valuables).
  3. *3Scope of zero waste emissions initiatives: manufacturing sites in Japan [Numazu Works, Ota Works, Nagoya Works, KOFU MEIDENSHA ELECTRIC MFG. CO., LTD., MEIDEN CHEMICAL CO., LTD. (Sagami Works), MEIDEN HOKUTO CORPORATION (Atsugi Works)], EAML Engineering CO., LTD., Engineering Service Business Units and two Construction Service Business Units
  4. *4Four main sites: Numazu Works, Ota Works Development and Laboratory, Nagoya Works, and KOFU MEIDENSHA ELECTRIC MFG. CO., LTD.
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Medium-term Management Plan 2020 - Fiscal 2020 Environmental Targets


FY2024 Environmental Targets

At the Meiden Group, we formulated Medium-term Management Plan 2024 to cover the four years from fiscal 2021 and we are working to implement sustainability management.

In particular, we have developed greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for the next four years by back-casting based on the fiscal 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets in the Second Meiden Environmental Vision.

The environmental targets for FY2024 are as follows. For the target of zero waste emissions, we are changing the standard to a final disposal rate of 1.0% or less.

FY2024 Environmental Targets
Strategic Targets Actions FY2024 Environmental Targets (Japan)
Contribute to environment through products and services Promote environmentally conscious design 10.0 million-ton reduction in GHG emissions by Environment-Contributing Businesses*1
Total scope 3, category 11:
-6% (compared to FY2019)
Reduce the environmental impact of business operations Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Japan: Total emissions (scope 1+2): -10% (compared to FY2019)
Overseas: Total emissions (scope 1+2): -4% (compared to FY2019)
Manage chemicals properly VOC emissions: 70 tons or less
Promote the 3Rs Total waste: -1% (compared to previous fiscal year): All sites in Japan (excluding Construction Business Unit)
Recycling rate: Maintain at about 90%
Final disposal rate 1.0% or less: Main sites in Japan *2
Main manufacturing sites (Japan) *2
Conserve water resources Reduce water withdrawals 1% (compared to previous FY)
Conserve biodiversity Conservation of ecosystems in green spaces (reduced agricultural chemicals, elimination of introduced species, certification of sites as coexisting with nature, etc.): 4 main manufacturing sites*3
Promote environmental management Strengthen value chain management Green procurement rate (own standards): 90% or greater


  1. *1Direct or indirect GHG reductions (estimated) from replacing standard products and services with the Meiden Group’s products and services (revised calculation method from FY2022)
  2. *2Main manufacturing sites (Japan): Numazu Works, Ota Works, Nagoya Works,  Plant Construction & Engineering Business Group, KOFU MEIDENSHA ELECTRIC MFG. CO., LTD., MEIDEN CHEMICAL CO., LTD., MEIDEN HOKUTO CORPORATION, MEIDEN ENGINEERING CORPORATION, MEIDEN PLANT SYSTEMS CORPORATION, EAML Engineering CO., LTD.
  3. *3Four main manufacturing sites: Numazu Works, Ota Works, Nagoya Works, and KOFU MEIDENSHA ELECTRIC MFG. CO., LTD.
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