
Water Resources

Sustainability - Water Resources

Water Risk Assessments

Water Resources


The Meiden Group will work on implementing measures to promote water resource conservation activities by utilizing water resources efficiently and respond to water risk that impacts business activities, as a step toward conservation of the global environment and realization of a sustainable society.

We will contribute to the solution of a range of social issues relating to the conservation of water resources through our businesses.

Plan and Targets

The Meiden Group includes “promotion of water reuse” and “water safety” as part of the medium- to long-term “Environmental Vision.” We will work to preserve water resources through water conservation and effective utilization of rainwater; take steps to respond to water risks such as water shortages, flood, and contamination; and improve sanitation.
The Meiden Group’s environmental target for FY2024 is to reduce water withdrawals in Japan by 1% from the previous year.

Risk Assessments

Water Risk Assessments

The Meiden Group conducts evaluation of water risk for initiatives to conserve water and comply with effluent standards. Using the Water Risk Filter, a water risk assessment tool distributed by the World Wide Fund for Nature, we assessed 14 production sites in 9 countries. We found that although domestic sites were within ordinary risk levels, more than half of overseas sites were located in high-risk areas. In particular, risks related to water quantity and quality assurance were found to be high. Some sites in India (Andhra Pradesh) and China (Zhengzhou) were found to be located in very high-risk areas. For these, we will take the optimal measures for each site based on assessment results.

Water Risk Assessment Results for Regions Where Production Bases are Located

Water Risk Assessment Results for Regions Where Production Bases are Located
Percentage of Production Sites and Volume of Water Withdrawn by Level of Water Risk (FY2023)
Number of sites Percentage of sites Volume withdrawn
(1,000 m3)
Percentage of volume withdrawn
Very high risk 2 14% 39 2%
High risk 4 29% 17 1%
Ordinary risk 7 50% 1,693 96%
Low risk 1 7% 15 1%
Very low risk 0 0% 0 0%
Total 14 100% 1,765 100%


Public Relations Section

Reducing Water Consumption

Achievements ・ Data

Water Withdrawals, by Source (Japan)

Water Withdrawals, by Source
FY2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Groundwater (1,000 m3) 1,626 1,344 1,728 1,552 1,595
Industrial water (1,000 m3) 70 87 43 22 27
Tap water (1,000 m3) 63 59 63 69 71
Total (1,000 m3) 1,759 1,490 1,834 1,643 1,693


  • *Water usage volume includes tap water, water for industrial use, and ground water.
  • *Measurement points were changed in fiscal 2021 in order to increase accuracy, there is no continuity with those in fiscal 2020 and before.

Water Withdrawals, by Production Site

Water Withdrawals, by Production Site

Trends in Effluent Volume (Japan)

We ensure legal compliance by establishing and applying at each site and subsidiary voluntary standards that are stricter than legal restrictions.

Effluent Volume, by Discharge Location
Discharge location FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Fresh surface water (1,000 m3)
Direct discharge to rivers, lakes, and marshes
2,189 2,273 2,241 1,421 1,527
Brackish surface water/seawater (1,000 m3)
Direct discharge to low-salinity water (brackish water) resulting from mix of seawater and freshwater, and to seawater
0 0 0 0 0
Groundwater (1000 m3)
Direct discharge underground
0 0 0 0 0
Third-party discharge locations (1000 m3)
Discharged by sewage and industrial waste disposal companies
17 15 17 20 31
Total (1,000 m3) 2,206 2,288 2,258 1,441 1,559


Volume Discharged, by Production Site

Volume Discharged, by Production Site
Trend in Water Quality Data (Japan)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
BOD 4,843 kg 6,424 kg 6,408 kg 4,474 kg 5,344 kg


Public Relations Section

Conservation of Water Resources: Initiatives through Business


Toward Conservation and Effective Utilization of Water Resources

Rebuilding water infrastructure facilities at production sites

More than 125 years have passed since the Meiden Group’s founding, and the infrastructure facilities at our production sites have aged noticeably.

This is particularly true of the water infrastructure, which we are rebuilding as a special priority for BCP reasons.

At Numazu Works, one of our main production sites in Japan, we will begin building a large new combination water-purification tank in September 2024. To go with it, we are rebuilding the plant’s water supply and factory effluent systems. Nagoya Works and Ota Works, two other major production sites in Japan, are likewise aging. Their updates will be planned and implemented in turn.

[Overview of Project to Rebuild Water Infrastructure]

  1. (1)Remove 22 individual water-purification tanks to meet our obligation to make efforts related to Japan’s Private Sewerage System Act and improve the quality of treated effluent
  2. (2)Prevent leaks by bringing buried water supply pipes above ground (reduce water usage)
  3. (3)Strengthen control of quality and quantity of treated effluent by separating the factory effluent system from rainwater

Initiatives to Conserve Water Resources through Our Business

In addition to design, construction, and execution of water treatment plants, the Meiden Group provides total support through to operation and maintenance as a general water treatment manufacturer, based on our record of involvement with construction and development of water and sewerage systems in Japan. We are contributing to the solution of a range of issues relating to the conservation of water resources through or water infrastructure systems business, which is one of our core businesses.

Order Taken for Tuas Water Reclamation Plant
Will Provide Ceramic Flatsheet Membranes with World’s Largest Treatment Capacity of 97,500 m3/Day

MEIDEN SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. (MEIDEN SINGAPORE) has received an order from Singapore enterprise Koh Brothers Building & Civil Engineering Contractor (Pte.) Ltd. for ceramic flatsheet membranes for an industrial effluent MBR* facility at the Tuas Water Reclamation Plant of the Singapore Public Utilities Board (PUB). This project is a new water reclamation plant to be built in western Singapore, scheduled for completion in 2025.

MEIDEN SINGAPORE will supply ceramic flatsheet membranes with a treatment capacity of 97,500 m3/day to the plant. The Meidensha ceramic flatsheet membranes to be delivered can help to save energy and will offer high durability, excellent chemical resistance, and long life.

  • *MBR: Abbreviation of membrane bioreactor, a technology that separates activated sewage. It uses membranes instead of conventional settling tanks to separate treated water and activated sludge from each other, thereby cleaning sewage and industrial effluent.

Under a 2010 memorandum of understanding (MOU) with PUB for the joint development of water treatment technology, we have been conducting a demonstration study on industrial effluent treatment at the Jurong Water Reclamation Plant. In 2014, a 4,550 m3/day demonstration plant began operating at the Jurong site. Highly concentrated industrial effluent that had previously been difficult to reclaim was successfully reused. PUB made note of the achievements, which led to the recent order for ceramic flatsheet membranes for the Tuas Water Reclamation Plant.

Tuas Water Reclamation Plant

Tuas Water Reclamation Plant
©2021 PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency

Order Taken for Ceramic Flatsheet Membranes for Singapore Public Utilities Board Chestnut Avenue Waterworks; World’s Greatest Treatment Capacity at 291,200 m3/Day

Overseas subsidiary Meiden Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Meiden Singapore) has taken an order from a Singaporean company to supply ceramic flatsheet membranes for the Chestnut Avenue Waterworks of the Singapore Public Utilities Board (PUB). The order is for ceramic flatsheet membranes with a treatment capacity of 291,200 m3/day. The project is to replace the existing water purification system, which uses organic membranes, and is to be completed in 2026.

Meidensha ceramic flatsheet membranes to be supplied for the project will be housed in existing water tanks. This takes advantage of the characteristics of immersed-type membranes and minimizes installation costs. In addition, ceramic flat-sheet membranes offer excellent product durability, longevity, and energy efficiency. This makes them a highly economical choice, as they offer, for example, lower running costs (maintenance and membrane replacement costs) compared to the existing organic membranes.

Singapore, where water supply stability is a national concern, is a core base for Meidensha’s ceramic flat-sheet membrane business. As such, Meidensha has conducted demonstration research at various water treatment plants in Singapore. In addition to our continued assistance in securing water resources and a stable supply of water, Meidensha also seeks to contribute to the Global Hydrohub initiative of Singapore’s government.

■About Ceramic Flatsheet Membranes

Appearance of ceramic flatsheet membrane
Appearance of ceramic flatsheet membrane
Cross-section diagram showing sewage filtration with ceramic flatsheet membrane
Cross-section diagram showing sewage filtration with ceramic flatsheet membrane
  • Ceramic flatsheet membranes contain countless pores invisible to the human eye. The pores filter out impurities as sewage passes through.
  • The 6-mm-thick ceramic flatsheet membrane has a hollow structure and collects clean filtered water through a collecting tube on the inner side.

Water Resource Conservation R&D

Along with climate change, limited water resources is a global issue. The Meiden Group seeks to help solve water issues around the world so that water can be used sustainably. This is why we are developing our water infrastructure and ceramic flatsheet membrane businesses and actively investing in research and development.

Amount Invested in Water Infrastructure and Ceramic Flatsheet Membrane Business R&D
Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Amount invested in water infrastructure and ceramic flatsheet membrane business R&D Million yen 1,026 1,075 1,035


Development of Sewage Biomarker Sensors for Real-Time Infectious Disease Monitoring:
Selected for FY2024 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism B-DASH (Feasibility Study)

In March 2024, Meidensha and partners Nihon Suido Consultants Co., UNIADEX, Ltd., SANKI ENGINEERING CO., LTD., NSC Tech Co., Ltd., Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering, and Sendai city proposed a project under the FY2024 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism B-DASH (Feasibility Study*1) and our proposal was selected.

At present, the trend of infectious diseases is being grasped using the results of sewage surveys around the world. However, the concentration of viruses in sewage is generally very low, and detection requires concentration, gene extraction and amplification. Therefore, the current situation is that it lacks real-time capability to grasp the trend of infectious diseases. In this research, we will develop a sensor technology for infectious disease-related protein biomarkers that are present in sewage at higher concentrations than viruses, and realize real-time infectious disease information monitoring from sewage by integrating IoT technology.

Key Points of This Research

  • Identification of sewage biomarkers to track patients with infectious diseases:
    We will work to identify biomarkers in sewage for COVID-19, seasonal influenza, infectious gastroenteritis, and respiratory syncytial virus infections.
  • Development of real-time monitoring sensors for sewage biomarkers:
    We will work to develop biosensors to detect biomarkers associated with infectious diseases in sewage.
  • Construction of real-time sewage data sharing system:
    We will work so that infectious disease detection results found by sewage biomarker sensors will be immediately displayed on a DX platform for sharing sewage data. (This platform was previously established in an FY2022 Cabinet Office project*2).

Future Development

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has promoted the use of sewage information as a national policy, including the establishment of guidelines for the use of such information. Compared to existing methods, the outcomes of this research could have significant advantages in terms of real-time performance and cost. We believe that this will enable the use of sewage information to become established and expand elsewhere. Meidensha and the other members of the joint research team will continue conducting research with the goal of adding even more value to sewage information.

  1. *1Feasibility study: A survey to examine the possibility of dissemination, including the effects of introduction, and to confirm the technical performance, etc., as a preliminary step to the demonstration project.
  2. *2A project that demonstrated methods for the effective use of sewage information by local governments and a sustainable system for the use of such data (FY2022, Cabinet Secretariat).

Partnerships with Outside Parties

The Meiden Group, in cooperation with its stakeholders in Japan and overseas, will pursue manufacturing that contributes to resolving issues such as Sustainable Development Goal 6 (CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION) and Goal 14 (LIFE BELOW WATER), realizes sustainable value creation, and works to resolve social issues.

Participation in Initiatives

CDP (Water Security)

Through our participation in initiatives, Meidensha is promoting water resource conservation activities through the efficient use of water resources and measures against water risks that affect business activities.

CDP Water Security is an international NGO that operates a global disclosure system for corporate water risks. Meidensha has been participating by responding to the organization’s questionnaire since 2017.

We received a “B” rating from CDP Water Security in 2023.

Public Relations Section