Labor Practices

Sustainability - Labor Practices

Labor Practices

Public Relations Section

Basic HR Management Philosophy


Basic HR Management Philosophy

As issues facing our customers and society as a whole become increasingly complicated and unclear, it is important to have personnel with the abilities to think flexibly and act courageously, creating the value necessary to solve these issues in order to enhance corporate competitiveness. For this reason, we are determined to achieve sustainable growth by focusing on employing and developing competent personnel and creating an environment where each person can derive pride and fulfillment from their work.

In order for employees to maximize their individual strengths, it is important to create a workplace in which a diverse range of employees are given fair opportunities and can participate with a healthy mind and body. Specifically, by engaging as a group in initiatives such as achieving a work-life balance, and improving occupational health and safety, we will enhance the corporate value for the entire group.

Public Relations Section

Labor Practices Policy

Labor Practices Policy

Employment Policy

We are creating an employment framework that enables a diverse range of employees to maximize their potential, irrespective of attributes such as age, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. We are reviewing our DEI education at all levels, evaluating human resource management systems and evaluation systems that can shape careers, and creating an environment where each employee can express their individuality.

Public Relations Section

Ensuring Fair and Impartial Evaluation and Treatment

Policy and Initiatives

Ensuring Fair and Impartial Evaluation and Treatment

Meidensha conducts evaluation of results and roles as part of an HR treatment system that places weight on the results of both executives and regular employees in order to reform and enhance corporate character, with the key word of professional development. Therefore, we have introduced management by objectives as a process to ensure that results are reflected in impartial treatment of employees. We hold discussions to mutually confirm objectives and results indicators, etc., between superiors and subordinates through objective-setting interviews and objective management results interviews to ensure that there is no discrepancy in expected results.

Furthermore, we disclose our evaluation standards through the Company’s intranet and the explanatory leaflet issued by the trade union, we periodically hold evaluation feedback interviews for all employees that are subject to evaluation, and we focus on developing and fostering the abilities of individuals. Evaluator training for new managers includes evaluation and meeting exercises to ensure impartial evaluations and treatment of employees. In addition to providing a complete understanding of the evaluator’s role in the HR system and how to prevent errors during evaluation, the training addresses the critical importance of communication between supervisors and their teams.

Public Relations Section

Work Style Reform

Work Style Reform

Rolling Out “Smart Work 2024” ― Toward improved work efficiency and productivity ―

The Meiden Group promotes reduction of work outside of regular hours and taking leave as an important management issue. We are rolling out Smart Work, which promotes reduction of annual working hours. In FY2021, we considered the creation of a comfortable working environment for employees, and promoted communication through a hybrid office/remote work model, and the introduction of a flex-time system and shared offices, etc., based on the opinions of the employee survey and the working group, as part of the Professional Development & Diversity Promotion Project. In addition, we are making work styles more flexible and consistent with actual conditions. For example, in FY2022, we transitioned to a hybrid work system that allows employees to decide the number of days they will come to the office or work remotely, in keeping with their departments’ policies. Furthermore, we arranged our internal systems environment and made work efficiency and productivity improvements to enable workers to perform the same functions remotely as they can in the office. We have also introduced a system of shortened working days and hours to enable a balance of work and treatment of illnesses and are reviewing our HR system to enable all employees, not just those providing childcare or nursing care, to stay employed longer at Meidensha with peace of mind. Going forward, we will continue to realize improved work efficiency and productivity by promoting flexible work-styles and digital transformation for all companies.

Vision and Target Values of “Smart Work 2024”

We will realize work styles based on legal compliance by reviewing and improving the work style itself, and eliminating working on holidays and overtime on weekdays.

  People worked overtime >80 h/month Average hours of overtime Total actual working hours per year
FY2024 targets Achieved Zero 19 hours/person-month Under 1,800 hours/person


  • *Average overtime hours, and total actual working hours per year are the average figure per person at Meidensha and Meiden Engineering
Total actual working hours per year
  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total actual working hours per year 2,027 hours/year 1,985 hours/year 1,990 hours/year 1,977 hours/year 1,959 hours/year 1,961 hours/year


  • *Average figure per person at Meidensha and Meiden Engineering

Promoting Flexible Work Styles (Establishment of Satellite Offices)

In our Smart Work initiatives, we have been focusing on implementing strategies to improve productivity and realize a positive workplace environment.

  • September 2018: Opened satellite office at Numazu Works
  • August 2019: Complete renovation of Meiden Plaza at Headquarters
  • March 2020: Opened Relaffice (“relax” + “office”) at Meiden R&D Center
  • 2021: Updated satellite office at Nagoya Works
Meiden Plaza
Meiden Plaza
Meiden Plaza at Headquarters. The layout is easy to use by both individuals and groups.
Satellite office at Nagoya Works
Satellite office at Nagoya Works
Satellite office at Nagoya Works
Satellite office at Nagoya Works. The interior offers a colorful space and seating of various types.
Public Relations Section

Creating a Fulfilling Workplace

Creating a Fulfilling Workplace

Personnel Treatment System

In April 2015, we revised our personnel treatment system for general employees to give employees an incentive to contribute to the Company and to further improve their motivation. The system aims to operate personnel treatment that can reward employees with higher contributions, by balancing the "role" and "contribution" of employees, with a system that allows multi-truck type qualification and treatment according to their degree of contribution.

Furthermore, in order to be able to respond to a diversity of work style, it is also a system that allows both executives and general employees can work in a limited area.

In FY2024, we revised our executive personnel treatment system to better achieve fairness and impartiality according to employees’ abilities and roles.

Diagram of the Personnel Treatment System

Diagram of the Personnel Treatment System
Major Initiatives
1. MBO Performance Measuring System In order to ensure high evaluation transparency, we use the MBO (management by objectives) performance measuring system coordinated with MAP activities*.
  • *Meidensha’s reform and improvement activities (MAP = Meiden Advantage Program)
2. Self-Reporting System The self-reporting system helps employees develop personal talent and form career plans.
3. Meister Program We operate a Meister system that specially treats employees who contribute to the Company with outstanding skills as highly specialized professionals. We have certified 23 certified personnel as Meisters from 2008 to 2022.
4. Job Rotation System We have adopted a job rotation program to develop the abilities of our young employees.
In October 2023, we launched an internal internship system where employees would work for a set period in another business unit in order to expand their perspectives, gain new knowledge, and experience opportunities to consider the suitability of other careers.

Ensuring a Complete Welfare System to Support the Lifestyles of Employees and Help Them to Refresh

1. Housing Lease System

We have a housing lease system that caters to people at all stages of life, from single dormitories for people that have newly joined the company through to family housing and houses for married couples. In addition, we offer full support systems for transferees in order to relieve any strain placed on them, including a system of providing assistance to rent appliances in addition to leasing corporate housing.

We revised the system in October 2023 in order to increase the number of units and better meet the diverse needs of our employee base. We also revised housing payments to reduce the amount borne by individuals, provide fair payments for family housing costs from transfers or marriages, and lower the financial burden brought about by the need for two residences for people living away from their family for work.

2. Welfare Service

We have introduced a general welfare service as a system to meet the diversifying needs of employees. As a perk unique to Meidensha, we offer a menu of options that enhance leisure time for the purpose of family travel or just taking a break, such as tickets for lodging and popular theme parks and company assistance for specific services like childcare and nursing care. We aim to further enhance our programs, for example by offering a menu of options to support work-life balance.

We revised the system in October 2023. Younger employees (those under 32 not eligible for dormitories or single housing units) are now awarded points that can be used for all welfare services and are encouraged to use them for personal development, such as purchasing books or taking classes.

3. Cultural Events and Club Activities

Various cultural/sport events are planned and held at each business office or sites for the purpose of employee interaction, refreshment, and overcome lack of exercise. Sports events held on holidays, such as sports festivals, provide opportunities for employees and their families to socialize, and they have become regular events each year.

In FY2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we collected photographs with messages written by employees, a theme song based video message to invigorate the Meiden Group, and posted it on the internal portal site, as part of an initiative for employees to encourage each other. In FY2020 and FY2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we held a remote riddle-solving event and an online sports festival as events for employees to have a good time together and cooperate.

In FY2022, we held our first in-person event in three years in the Headquarters area, a softball tournament that attracted over 300 participants. Our FY2023 bowling meetup was attended by more than 160 employees. At both events, people enjoyed solidifying friendships with colleagues they had not seen in person in a long while.

In addition, there are various other Company-endorsed cultural and athletic clubs that promote communication among employees beyond individual workplaces and age groups.

Meiden Group Sports Festival
Meiden Group Sports Festival
Online Field Day
Online Field Day
Soft tennis club event
Soft tennis club event
Cultural club event
Cultural club event
Walking event
Walking event
Softball tournament
Softball tournament
Public Relations Section

Communication Revitalization Initiatives

Communication Revitalization Initiatives

Industrial relations

Meidensha has concluded a labor agreement with the Meidensha Union and we periodically exchange opinions and conduct consultations about management policies, business conditions, and the working conditions of employees at the Central Management Conference and the Central Staff Gathering. We are promoting the creation of an environment where employees can securely work without interruption because labor and management respect each other’s positions and sincerely engage in dialog.

The Labor-Management Consideration Committee was formed in April 2022 and considers revisions to the personnel treatment system and the welfare system.

Additionally, though not explicitly required in labor agreements, etc., Meidensha discusses and negotiates notifications of job reassignments and transfers so that the labor union has sufficient time to explain these to employees. That period of time varies depending on the nature of the change.

Employee Awareness Survey

We conduct an annual employee awareness survey for all employees. Each year, the response rate is close to 95%, demonstrating how much our employees value the survey. The survey begins with “vision,” “motivation,” “corporate climate,” “workplace environment,” “systems,” and “personnel deployment.” The purpose of the survey is to statistically understand how employees feel about their work, treatment conditions, and other general company-related information. In addition to the numerical results of the survey, we also draft various measures and initiatives based on honest opinions written by employees in the free description section, and use them in future measures aimed at increasing both company and employee satisfaction. We further hold workshops for the head of each business unit and provide feedback and opportunities for discussion of results. Information gained from survey results and exchanges of opinion is reflected in the following year’s business unit targets.

Public Relations Section

Results Data

Results Data

HR Data

Basic Data

Employees (only Meidensha)
Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employees (non-consolidated) Male People 3,431 3,425 3,458
Female People 596 614 665
Total People 4,027 4,039 4,123
Domestic subsidiaries Male People 3,242 3,287 3,210
Female People 484 494 480
Total People 3,726 3,781 3,690
Overseas subsidiaries Male People 1,733 1,595 1,609
Female People 437 401 388
Total People 2,170 1,996 1,997
Number of consolidated employees*1 Male People 8,406 8,307 8,277
Female People 1,517 1,509 1,533
Total People 9,923 9,816 9,810
Number of foreign employees
Male People 19 25 21
Female People 10 10 12
Total People 29 35 33
Domestic subsidiaries Number of foreign employees Male People 10 16 17
Female People 2 3 3
Total People 12 19 20
Overseas subsidiaries Number of foreign employees Male People 1597 1460 1486
Female People 434 399 386
Total People 2031 1859 1872
Number of foreign consolidated employees*1 Male People 1,626 1,501 1,524
Female People 446 412 401
Total People 2,072 1,913 1,925
Proportion of all employees accounted for by contractors and temporary workers 14.3 13.5 12.9
Average age*2 Male Age 43.1 43.3 43.6
Female Age 43.1 42.8 42.4
Total Age 43.1 43.3 43.4
Years of employment Male Years 18.8 19.0 19.1
Female Years 19.7 19.1 18.3
Total Years 18.9 19.0 18.9
Number of managers*2 Male People 985 968 967
Female People 45 51 49
Foreigners People 5 5 4
Managers of level of general manager or above*2 Male People 215 201 204
Female People 4 4 4
Foreigners People 0 0 0
For reference: Number of management personnel Male People 672 680 693
Female People 25 29 37
Total People 697 709 730
Officers*2 Male People 34 36 37
Female People 1 1 1
Foreigners People 0 0 0
Executive officers*2 Male People 25 30 31
Female People 0 0 0
Foreigners People 0 0 0
Proportion of women*2 Managers*3 4.37 5.00 4.82
Management positions 3.6 4.1 5.1
Managers of level of general manager or above 1.83 1.95 1.92
Officers 2.86 2.70 2.63
Executive officers 0 0 0
Number of overseas local CEOs*1 People 0 1 2
Number of people with disabilities employed (legal count)*4 *5 People 107 115 112
Number of employees with disabilities (actual)*4 People 75 82 117
Rate of employment of people with disabilities*4 *5 2.46 2.42 2.57
Legally mandated percentage of employees with disabilities 2.3 2.3 2.3
Number of employees leaving the company (voluntary) Male People 69 69 107
Female People 11 20 21
Total People 80 89 128
Rate of employees leaving the company (voluntary)*6 Male 2.0 2.0 3.1
Female 1.8 3.2 3.2
Total 2.0 2.2 3.1
Rate of union membership 65.2 65.3 64.4
Annual average salary Yen 7,368,835 7,428,633 7,351,896


  1. *1Applicable organizations: The Meiden Group
  2. *2As of March each year
  3. *3Number of female managers are divided by number of total managers.
  4. *4Applicable organizations: Meidensha and special subsidiaries up to FY2022. From FY2023 onwards, Meidensha, special subsidiaries, and Meiden Master Partners
  5. *5The number was calculated in consideration of those with severe disabilities, etc. 
  6. *6Ratio of employees leaving the company is calculated as follows: Number of people that have voluntarily left their position in the last fiscal year as of the end of each fiscal year/number of employees as of April 1 each fiscal year
Number of Employees by Age (only Meidensha) (as of March 31, 2024)
Male Female Total
Under 30 621 167 788
30-39 688 82 770
40-49 641 131 772
50-59 1,146 243 1,389
60 or over 362 42 404


Graduate Recruits (only Meidensha)
  University graduate Technical college graduates Junior college/vocational school graduates High school graduates/other Total
Male Female Total
Joined April 2017 54 14 68 6 0 29 103
Joined April 2018 54 11 65 5 0 27 97
Joined April 2019 60 15 75 5 0 47 127
Joined April 2020 52 16 68 6 3 32 109
Joined April 2021 55 14 69 4 5 42 120
Joined April 2022 56 19 75 5 5 38 123
Joined April 2023 53 23 76 5 9 27 117


  • *Graduates includes those who have completed a degree at a graduate school or an advanced course at a technical college.
Mid-Career Hires (only Meidensha)
  University graduate Other Total
Male Female Total Male Female
2016.4 - 2017.3 26 2 28 5 1 34
2017.4 - 2018.3 29 3 32 2 5 39
2018.4 - 2019.3 28 4 32 24 7 63
2019.4 - 2020.3 45 1 46 12 1 59
2020.4 - 2021.3 40 4 44 10 3 57
2021.4 - 2022.3 29 2 31 14 2 47
2022.4 - 2023.3 39 7 46 6 3 55
2023.4 - 2024.3 22 7 29 12 8 49


  • *Graduates includes those who have completed a degree at a graduate school or an advanced course at a technical college.
Work Style-Related (only Meidensha)
  Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employee engagement
(eNPS rate)
Actual score*1 -63.6 -65.0 -66.2
Success rate
(vs FY2021)
- -1.4 -2.6
People taking maternity leave*2 People 12 17 12
Male employees whose spouses gave birth during the current fiscal year
Female employees who gave birth during the current fiscal year
Male People 90 101 85
Female People 11 18 10
Total People 101 119 95
People who took parental leave*1 Male*3 People 7 14 25
(within 1 week)*4 29 57 50
Female*5 People 11 18 12
Total People 47 89 87
Rate of People who took parental leave Male 40 70 88
Female 100 100 120
Total 47 75 92
Rate of return after leave of absence for child care purposes Male*6 100 100 100
Female 100 100 83
Total 100 100 96
People taking family care leave*7 People 1 3 1
Average days of paid leave allocated Days 23 23 23
Average days of paid leave taken*8 Days 17 18 17
Rate of taking paid leave 72 78 74
Average total hours worked per year*9 hours/year/person 1,970 1,957 1,954


  1. *1eNPS applies to Meidensha and Meiden Engineering. Target values listed in the 2024 Mid-Term Management Plan are: eNPS (employee NPS*) 10% improvement in FY2024 vs FY2021 (-63.6% → -53.6%)
  2. *2Number of female employees who began accuring maternity leave during the fiscal year
  3. *3Number of male employees who began paternal leave during the fiscal year (except short-term leave)
  4. *4Number of male employees accuring special leave (partner giving birth) or short-term leave (accumulated leave) during the fiscal year
  5. *5Number of employees who began paternal leave during the fiscal year
  6. *6Except those accuring leave to raise children
  7. *7Number of employees who began family care leave during the fiscal year
  8. *8Average number of days of paid leave in Meidensha (hourly managers only)
  9. *9Cumulative number of hours worked in Meidensha alone (hourly managers only)
    The total number of hours worked during the year is the total number of hours worked as calculated by adding together scheduled working hours and overtime and then subtracting hours of paid leave during said year.
Proportion of Employees that Underwent a Periodic Review of Results and Career Development (only Meidensha)
  Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Proportion of employees that receive feedback interviews Male 93.9 94.8 92.8
Female 94.7 96.0 95.5
Total 95.3 94.0 93.2
Managers 95.6 93.6 89.9
Regular employees 93.5 93.9 94.2
Total 95.3 94.0 93.2


Public Relations Section