Corporate Governance


Sustainability - Compliance


Public Relations Section

Compliance Policy and System


Compliance Policy

The Meiden Group fully understands domestic and overseas laws, including those relating to corporate activities, customs, and all other social norms and spirit. The Meiden Group complies with and respects these, and has developed the Meiden Group Code of Conduct to constantly maintain a high standard of corporate ethics and social decency.

In accordance with this code of conduct, the Meiden Group aims to sincerely engage in activities to live up to the trust of customers and society. Directors, executive officers, and general managers of Meidensha and each Group company play a central role in promoting compliance in each of their workplaces, in accordance with the Meiden Group Compliance Promotion Rules.


Compliance System

Meidensha has enhanced and constructed a compliance promotion framework that is an important pillar of risk management, by integrating the Legal Affairs Division and the Enterprise Risk Management Division into the Governance Headquarters in April 2022. The Legal Affairs Division is the office responsible for the Compliance Committee, which is chaired by the member responsible for compliance, and convenes twice each year to determine compliance action plans.

Based on these action plans, the staff business units, led by the Legal Affairs Division, conduct compliance training for all Group companies on observing antitrust laws, preventing corruption and harassment, and other issues. In addition, the Compliance Committee secretariat handles matters related to compliance reporting and works to resolve any legal issues that arise. These compliance-related activities are reported during regular meetings of the Compliance Committee and at meetings of the Board of Directors.

Each workplace has a compliance manager, who reports matters being discussed at the workplace and issues that have been discovered that relate to compliance, to the Compliance Committee. The Compliance Committee shares information reported to it with compliance managers through compliance training, etc. This strengthens communication and reporting systems.

Each Japanese company in the Meiden Group has a similar compliance committee and compliance manager system to Meidensha.Moreover, we take a survey of overseas Group companies that helps us continually develop our internal control system such as promoting understanding of on-the-ground conditions of compliance systems at each company.

Compliance System

Compliance System
Public Relations Section

Whistleblower System on Compliance

Whistleblower System on Compliance

The Meiden Group has a whistleblower system for compliance. This is to prevent illegal actions and misconduct and to solve problems as early as possible.

The internal whistleblower system includes the internal reporting system (Compliance Hotline) dealing with a broad range of compliance issues including breaches of laws such as the Antimonopoly Act, breaches of general anti-corruption regulations such as those dealing with bribery, other breaches of internal or external rules, and labor problems and the Harassment Consultation Hotline, which is specifically designed to deal with harassment. The External Hotline is a hotline operated by outside lawyers for early detection and rectification of unlawful acts, etc. We also provide a whistleblower hotline exclusively for use by our suppliers. In 2023, we also established a new external harassment consultation service as we develop the means for employees to consult with greater peace of mind.

The external hotline (Compliance Hotline) enables employees to lodge reports using a dedicated email address. The external hotline is handled by a law firm, and may be used by employees of the Meiden Group (including retirees), temporary staff and subcontractors, and suppliers.
These internal and external systems can both be used anonymously, and accept a wide range of reports.

The Compliance Committee secretariat works with relevant departments to investigate reports that are brought to the external hotline and, if necessary, consults with lawyers to deal with them. We are working to increase the dependability of management of information, such as the names of whistleblowers, and the whistleblower system as a whole, in accordance with national guidelines, to ensure that whistleblowers are not disadvantaged by using the system.
In FY2023, the Meiden Group received 79 reports and consultations, of which we thoroughly confirmed which cases required a response and dealt with them accordingly. When a report is received, Audit & Supervisory Committee Members are informed in a timely manner. The Audit Department conducts internal audits of the operation of the system.

In response to the 2022 enforcement of the revised Whistleblower Protection Act, we have reviewed and improved our regulations and systems by more clearly indicating our hotlines and further strengthening whistleblower protection. We have also finished setting up hotlines at all Group companies, including those overseas.

System to Respond to Individual Incidents

Managers who become aware of illegal or inappropriate activities are obligated to promptly report them to their immediate superior. The system ensures that reports reach responsible officers (executive officer level or above) in each department. Compliance breaches that are detected internally, such as illegal or inappropriate activities, are investigated and handled under the direction of the head of the business unit, who serves as a member of the Compliance Committee. We work to introduce cases that cause compliance problems or which may do so through compliance training and to thus prevent their reoccurrence as appropriate.

Public Relations Section

Initiatives to Avoid Infringement of Human Rights

Initiatives to Avoid Infringement of Human Rights

Harassment Prevention System

Harassment is one of the compliance issues regarding which consultation is most frequently sought, so we established the Harassment Prevention Committee to create a system that is specifically designed to handle harassment issues, and we are working to centralize handling of confidential information and responses as well as enhance activities to promote understanding.

When a report of harassment is made, responses are required that are considerate of personal relationships, and particularly those of the reporter, so we created a system to avoid infringement of human rights by establishing a hotline that is specifically designed to deal with harassment issues and creating an environment that is conducive to talking about issues. In addition, we are working to raise awareness about our anti-harassment measures. For example, the scope of the anger management training for managers was extended to other employees as well starting in FY2022. Our goal is to firmly entrench these lessons in the Meiden Group and provide better guidance.

Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Anger management training People 289 2,350 1,921
Unconscious bias seminar People 200 321 322


Public Relations Section

Compliance Education


Compliance Training

The Meiden Group conducts compliance training every year, in order to maintain and improve awareness of compliance and internal control systems while collecting opinions from workplaces. In FY2023, we conducted individual training online for locations around Japan, and there were a total 6,575 participants in the Group. At this training, in addition to making reports concerning the status of compliance activities to employees of each company in the Meiden Group, such as compliance managers, we conducted education concerning the Antimonopoly Act, the Subcontract Act, harassment, and environmental laws.

We also conducted individual presentations on compliance as part of training for each level of new staff, leaders, and managers of each Group company.

Public Relations Section

Anti-Corruption Policy

Policy, System, and Initiatives

Anti-corruption Measures

Meidensha stipulated “absolute prohibitions” through a resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting on December 26, 2012. These “absolute prohibitions” prohibit profit-sharing with national public servants, correspondence with competitors, etc., such as bid-rigging or cartel behavior, collection of confidential information such as target prices and job prices from customers, etc. “Absolute prohibitions” are thoroughly enforced within the Group.

In 2016, we developed the Meiden Group Bribery Prevention Policy in order to prevent corruption, which includes bribery. The principles were revised in 2020. They have been disseminated throughout the Group once more in two volumes – the Meiden Group Bribery Prevention Policy and the Guidelines for the Meiden Group Bribery Prevention Policy.

Group Corporate Code of Conduct toward Globalization

The Meiden Group revised the Meiden Group Corporate Code of Conduct in 2022 and is increasing awareness of employees with regard to compliance with laws and other social norms and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. The revised Corporate Code of Conduct includes a commitment by the Meiden Group to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. We also promise to conduct business honestly and fairly to prevent bribery and other forms of corruption; respect human rights; create workplaces where employees can play an active role; protect the environment; cooperate with society; manage information; practice timely disclosure; and manage risk. It also defines the responsibilities that top management has with respect to the Corporate Code of Conduct. The Board of Directors approved the revised Corporate Code of Conduct. We are educating Meiden Group employees around the world by compiling this code of conduct in addition to the corporate philosophy system and guidance into a booklet and a guidance video that contains a message from management in three languages (Japanese, English and Chinese), and distributing these to Group companies.

Furthermore, we are broadly expanding our compliance education activities such as by releasing the Meiden Group Bribery Prevention Policy and the Guidelines for the Meiden Group Bribery Prevention Policy in the same three languages.

These regulations and policies are available on the Group-common web portal.

Officer Training

Meidensha conducts training for persons of executive officer level and above, with a focus on compliance with the Antimonopoly Act. In FY2023, we provided training led by outside instructors on the essentials of Group compliance and points to keep in mind when making management decisions.

Political Contributions

The Meiden Group Corporate Code of Conduct states that “We comply with the relevant laws and regulations of countries and regions where we conduct business activities, particularly in relation to politics and government, and do not act in any way that could be suspected of collusion or corruption, such as providing favors.”

If we do make political contributions, we comply with the Political Funds Control Act and follow appropriate internal procedures, giving due consideration to the necessity and appropriateness of such contributions.

Streaming Group Corporate Code of Conduct towards Globalization

Policy and Initiatives


Tax Policy

The Meiden Group is aware that ensuring transparency of tax matters and payment of tax is its corporate social responsibility, and understands and complies with the principles of the taxation law of each country and region in which it conducts its global business activities. We contribute to the prosperity of each country and region by paying tax appropriately according to the application of a preferential tax system that avoids double taxation through normal procedures and complies with the aims of each system.

Furthermore, our policy is to refuse to engage in international tax avoidance, such as by complying with the OECD*Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations and refusing to use tax havens according to business circumstances.

Going forward, we will work to build friendly and healthful relationships with tax agencies through timely and appropriate provision of information and responding sincerely in the event of advance rulings and tax audits.

  • *OECD:Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Results Data 

Compliance Data

FY2023 Breaches of the Law, etc., in Japan and Overseas (Whole Meiden Group)

  • Criminal cases or administrative penalties resulting from violation of competition laws in Japan and abroad: NA
  • Criminal cases or administrative penalties resulting from bribery or other corrupt practices: NA
  • Criminal cases or administrative penalties resulting from other major legal or regulatory violations: NA

Consultations and Reports Through the Compliance Hotline

Number of Consultations and Reports Received Through the Compliance Hotline (Only Meidensha*)
  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of consultations and reports
(Of which, those that concerned harassment)
Cases 52


  • *Includes incidents at subsidiaries referred through the Meidensha Hotline.

Compliance-Related Training

Times Compliance Training Conducted and Number of Participants (Entire Meiden Group)
  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Compliance Training Times 11 4 + video viewing 4 + video viewing
Participants 1,711 4,336 6,575
Education by level
(compliance presentations)
New staff education Participants 213 262* 195
Leader training Participants 110 123 110
New manager training level 1 Participants 90 94 99


  • *Includes subsidiaries and employees hired in mid-career
Public Relations Section