
Foster Environmental Awareness

Sustainability - Foster Environmental Awareness

Foster Environmental Awareness

Foster Environmental Awareness


The Meiden Group believes that increasing each person’s environmental awareness leads to environmental contributions to society.

Public Relations Section

Foster Environmental Awareness


Foster Environmental Awareness

We conduct education relating to environmental initiatives such as environmental management and environmentally conscious design as part of the regular curriculum for employee education, which is conducted for each level of employee such as new employees, new managers, and candidates for executive roles.

Furthermore, we promote environmental activities at each site, conduct internal auditor education, etc., for personnel that are involved with work that impacts the environment, and conduct specialist education as necessary.

Environmental Education (e-learning) for All Meiden Group Staff

Each year, we conduct environmental education for all staff of the Meiden Group, including officers, through e-learning. In FY2022, we gave training on Japan’s Plastic Resource Circulation Act, which went into effect in April 2022. Of Meiden Group employees, 85.9% took the course online, and educational materials were shared with subject employees who were unable to take the course online.

Following are examples of comments and impressions of employees who took the training.

<Trainee impressions>

  • This was a good opportunity to learn about Meidensha’s environmental initiatives.
  • This has inspired me to more actively sort my plastic waste from now on.
  • Now I hope to use less plastic at home, such as by choosing products that come without a label.

Promoting Acquisition of Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test)® Certification

We promote acquisition of Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test)® certification provided by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and provide support for examination costs and provide sample questions, etc., through e-learning. In the January test in FY2022, our pass rate was 88%. We have 910 Eco Test certification holders as of March 2023. We will provide a bonus from FY2022 to FY2024 for people who have acquired qualifications, as part of promoting acquisition of qualifications.

  • *Eco Test® is a registered trademark of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Specialist Education

We conduct specialist education as necessary at each site, conduct internal auditor education, etc., for employees that promote environmental activities or are involved with work that impacts the environment. In FY2022, we gave training for factory staff on such topics as carbon neutrality, implementation of chemical audits, and management of chemicals in products. In addition, we gave training on controlling CFC emissions and on waste disposal for members of the sales division.

Education Concerning Environmental Laws

We also teach employees about environmental laws and regulations as part of compliance training. In FY2022, we gave lectures on Japan’s Waste Disposal Act, PCB Special Treatment Act, and Water Pollution Prevention Act. By looking at case studies of violations, we remind trainees of the importance of legal compliance.

Environmental Management Seminars for Management-Level Employees

Each year, we invite outside experts to hold environmental management seminars for management.

Date Theme Instructor (affiliation, role, etc., are those at the time)
12/21/2017 Increasing expectations for environmental management: ESG investment, SDGs, and TCFD recommendations to disclose climate-related financial information, etc. Toshihiko Goto
CEO of Sustainability Forum Japan
Chairperson and executive director of Global Compact Network Japan
12/21/2018 Toward the utilization of SDGs Yoriyuki Numakura
Manager of KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd.
06/21/2019 Trends in ESG investment and information disclosure: TCFD recommendations Mari Yoshitaka
Chief Consultant, Clean Energy Finance Division,
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
12/11/2020 The Meiden Group’s CO2 reduction plan to achieve SBTs Yoshihisa Niwa
Managing director and partner of the Boston Consulting Group
Shoji Hajime
Managing director and senior partner of the Boston Consulting Group
Makoto Morihara
Principal of the Boston Consulting Group
05/26/2022 Latest trends in disclosure of corporate information concerning climate change Kosuke Terasaki
Senior Researcher
Sustainability Sec., Risk Management Department 3rd
MS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting, Inc.
Results Data

Environmental Education Results (FY2022)

Content Times conducted Number of participants Outline
Environmental education
1 7,213
  • Japan’s Plastic Resource Circulation Act in the Meiden Group
Specialist education 8
  • Carbon neutrality training
  • Chemical audit implementation training
  • Training on management of chemicals in products
  • Group-wide internal environmental auditor training
  • CFC emissions control training
  • Waste processing training
Education concerning environmental laws 4 & shared by video 4,336
  • Laws relating to the environment
  • Examples and causes of contraventions
  • Meidensha’s compliance status
  • Management of chemical substances according to law
  • The PCB Special Treatment Act
  • The Waste Disposal Act
  • Water Pollution Prevention Act


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