
Promotion of Environmental Communication

Sustainability - Promotion of Environmental Communication

Promotion of Environmental Communication

Promotion of Environmental Communication


The Meiden Group engages in two-way communication with all our stakeholders, which is intrinsically linked to the development of our environmental activities. We also actively disclose information on our activities and their results.

Public Relations Section

Promotion of Environmental Communication


Promotion of Environmental Communication

The Meiden Group is working to create relationships of trust in order to remain to be a company that is needed by society.

We actively release information concerning our environmental conservation activities and environmental impact through our website. We reflect the opinions and needs expressed by our stakeholders in the Meiden Group’s environmental activities and environmental training.

Environmental Communication Organization Chart

Environmental Communication Organization Chart
Public Relations Section

FY2018 Initiatives


Endorsement and Participation in GX League

Meidensha has endorsed and participated in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s GX League, a forum for companies that aim to achieve sustainable growth in the present and future society by taking on the challenge of GX (Green Transformation) to achieve carbon neutrality and social transformation by 2050. Here, they can collaborate with other companies making similar efforts and with government and academia.


The Meiden Group has set carbon neutrality and well-being as the values we provide, and we declare that being a sustainability partner is our aspiration and vision for achieving the society we aim for. Our goal is to contribute to the decarbonization of society through our products, businesses, and solutions.
At the same time, we aim to achieve carbon neutrality (net zero) in our business activities by 2050. As an intermediate step, we have set the following GHG emissions reduction targets, which we are working to achieve by FY2030: 30% reduction of emissions from business activities (Scope 1 and 2; compared to FY2019) and 15% reduction of emissions during product use (Scope 3 Category 11; compared with FY2019).*
We believe that the vision and direction of the Meiden Group are in line with the purposes of the GX League and we have expressed our support for the GX League concept. Moreover, we became a GX League participating company on May 15, 2023.
We are accelerating efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in several ways. For example, by selling more environmentally friendly products, we are contributing to the decarbonization of society and our customers’ business activities. We are also utilizing renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind, and hydro power, and also improving energy conservation by increasing the efficiency of our products.

  • *These targets were recognized by the SBT initiative as consistent with the Paris Agreement, and SBT certification was granted in April 2021.
Public Relations Section